Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This is a blog for all the people who have ideas to write about, but are too scared to start their own blog. Even if you're not scared and I'm just be overly dramatic about your reason for not starting your own blog story then for whatever reason that it is that you aren't writing your story to express your own creativity knowingly this is the place for you! This is how it works:

1. Write as much as you want, as many times as you want and whatever you want to share with TM. Let me elaborate on these statements.:
| As much as you want - You can write a paragraph, you can write a page, you can write a fucking novel as long as you're happy about it.
| As many times as you want - You can send it as many stories as you want & anytime you want!
| Whatever you want to share. - Besides Onikafaree, you can post dricki, Nasnika, or whatever you fucking feeling like writing about & want to share.

2. The story will be looked over for errors in spelling and anything else just way off. SN: I, myself, am not a professional writer, but I know what can throw a reader off track and spelling is a huge turn off, so you & I will do our best to keep errors to a minimum.

3. Send all submissions to:

You can remain anonymous just let me know in the email before the story or after. You can also go by a cover name, so ppl know your work.

4. Comments: Don't be mad/upset about them. If the readers don't like it, try again! Don't be discourage to share more of your work just do better. If the readers like/love it then post more or start ya gahtdamn blog. ;)

5. Removals: I won't remove material unless you ask me to. Email the kid & tell her. Don't be cussing at me though just let me know! K? K.

6. IMPORTANT: If you have something with more than one chapter, say that in the email! Put the titles of each chapter or I'll just put "Chapter 1" & so on.

Anymore Questions. Concerns. Shit talk? Hit the email & I'll get back to you personally or make another announcement.